Mobile Responsive

Make your website responsive and user-friendly for all the devices

The Internet is the factor that is restricted within certain devices like computers or laptops. It can be used in all the devices like computers, laptops, tabs, smartphones, etc. and people started using them anywhere with any of the devices. Each of these platforms comes with different requirements and they are of different screen size. Only when the website adopts all the requirements your website can offer a seamless experience to your users.

Is a responsive site necessary?

Responsive web design comes from the responsive architecture; consider for an example, if the window is made of glass it helps in transparency and to view objects outside. Similarly, it is great and incredible for a firm to give such an experience to the customers in different platforms like windows, android, iOS etc.

We, Code & Co is one of the leading companies in web design dubai that follow certain digital marketing strategies which can help you to have such website and make easy for the user for easy visiting and accessing your website without any excessive scrolling, non-adaptive images, and unfriendly layouts.

We would help you with the following principles to have the best responsive site

  • Adoption resolution of the screen
  • Images that can be resized based on the device
  • Flexible Grids
  • JavaScript
  • Media queries using CSS3

You do not need to worry about the budget; such responsive sites are no longer luxury. It is more important to gain mobile traffic that is a major chunk to have internet traffic. Search engines like Google have a high factor on the responsive site and to have a good ranking. Generally, the sites that are non-responsive gain a lower rank when compared to the responsive sites.

Visit Code & Co, a digital marketing companies in dubai; you may have the best ideas to enhance your website and make them easier for your customers to use them. This will help you in gaining more customers, having good traffic, good reach for your products or service and finally leads to great success in your business.

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